Wednesday 3 April 2013

Interactive biology

An amazing website full of videos explaining many of the issues a student needs to understand in anatomy and physiology.

I am copying this from their "about" page:

Ok, so here’s the real deal. We all know that there are MANY people out there who don’t like biology. Ok, ok, there are even many out there who HATE it with a Passion. I know . . . it’s hard to believe – such a fascinating topic with so much valuable information and people actually don’t like it. Can you fancy that?

Here’s the thing – I have a theory. My theory is that most people who don’t like it, don’t like it because of the way it was taught to them – A bunch of $100 words by a very intelligent teacher. Now, I’m not trying to bash on teachers because they (we) are important. However, sometimes, it is necessary to break down concepts into little bite-sized chunks.

That is what Interactive Biology is all about – Breaking down the concepts in biology so that if a Freshman in High School wants to understand Graduate-level Neurobiology, with enough discipline, she could do so.

Technology is AWESOME, and I enjoy using it to enhance my classes. The internet continues to amaze me. It’s such a useful tool that can help anyone who wants to learn about any subject. Well, if biology is the subject you want to learn about, this is the site for you.

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