Tuesday, 30 September 2014


The Genetic Science Learning Center at The University of Utah is a nationally and internationally-recognized education program that translates science and health for non-experts. In addition to genetics, we address all areas of life science and health as well as other scientific fields.

The GSLC's websites are one of the most used science sites on the Internet.  In 2013, they received almost 20 million visits, which came from virtually every country in the world.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Medical Embryology - Development of the Pharyngeal Arches

This video goes in to the pharyngeal arches, an odd group of folds that contribute a variety of structures to the face and neck. We discuss the arches and their muscular, bony, and nervous features. We then talk about the grooves (outside) and pouches (inside) that create the ears and various glands. I hope you find it helpful!

Friday, 19 September 2014

Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Evidence


  • Over 3500 articles reviewed
  • 1400+ articles rated
  • 107 Outcome Measures assessed (Download for Free)
  • 80+ researchers, clinicians and trainees from 5 different countries involved in updating the key topic areas in SCIRE, including New Chapters on Economic Evaluation of Spinal Cord Injury and Sexual and Reproductive Health and SCI

Facts about mitochondrial myopathies

Dear Friends:

if you are reading this booklet, it’s probably because you’ve just received a very bewildering diagnosis: mitochondrial myopathy. What is a mitochondrial myopathy, and what does the term mean? These are questions my wife, Jennifer, and I struggled with when our son, Michael, got his diagnosis in 1993.Mitochondrial myopathies have many different faces. As you will read in this booklet, dozens of varieties of mitochondrial diseases have been identified, with a complex array of symptoms. Some symptoms can be so mild that they’re hardly noticeable, while others are life-threatening.

Michael’s disease causes muscle weakness, muscle cramping, fatigue, lack of endurance and poor balance. You or your family member may have similar symptoms, yet each case is unique.

Continue reading on Muscular Dystrophy Association website.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)


The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) is an independent global health research center at the University of Washington that provides rigorous and comparable measurement of the world's most important health problems and evaluates the strategies used to address them. IHME makes this information freely available so that policymakers have the evidence they need to make informed decisions about how to allocate resources to best improve population health.


IHME aspires to make available to the world high-quality information on population health, its determinants, and the performance of health systems. We seek to achieve this directly, by catalyzing the work of others, and by training researchers as well as policymakers. 


Our mission is to improve the health of the world’s populations by providing the best information on population health.


IHME’s research is organized around answering three critical questions that are essential to understanding the current state of population health and the strategies necessary to improve it.

What are the world's major health problems?
How well is society addressing these problems?
How do we best dedicate resources to maximize health improvement?

Monday, 8 September 2014

World Physical Therapy Day

Why World Physical Therapy Day matters

In 1996, WCPT designated 8th September as World Physical Therapy Day. This is the date WCPT was founded in 1951.

The day marks the unity and solidarity of the global physical therapy community. It is an opportunity to recognise the work that physical therapists do for their patients and community. Using World Physical Therapy Day as a focus, WCPT aims to support member organisations in their efforts to promote the profession and advance their expertise.

Reports from around the world indicate that World Physical Therapy Day activities have a positive impact on the profession’s profile and standing with both the public and policy makers.

Many WCPT member organisations already have their own national physical therapy days, weeks and months. However, organisations that have no designated day of their own often choose 8th September.

It is up to individual physical therapists and WCPT member organisations to decide what activities and materials they wish to develop.  That way, they can reflect key national priorities and messages. But each year WCPT provides ideas, publicity and support materials.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics

A wonderful article that explains briefly and simply the terms that every health professional should know either in the clinical or in the laboratory setting on Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics: A Primer for Orthopaedic Surgeons


Investigation performed at Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts


Friday, 5 September 2014

Auckland Bioengineering Institute

The Auckland Bioengineering Institute (ABI) is a cross-faculty research centre. Our research deals with the application of mathematical and engineering sciences to biology and human physiology. We aim to improve understanding of physiological processes and the diagnosis and treatment of injury or disease. Many of our staff have joint appointments in other Faculties, especially with the Department of Engineering Science in the Faculty of Engineering and the Department of Physiology in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.

Muscle activation during gait

Visualisation of muscle activation during gait using an anatomically-based model of the lower limbs. Concentric contraction is indicated in yellow, isometric contraction in orange and eccentric contraction in purple respectively. (Research in musculoskeletal modelling at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute)

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

The Histology guide

An amazing Histology guide offered by Leeds University.

What the site should do for you ...

The main aim of this website is to give you a virtual experience of using a microscope rather than just trawling through text and figures, or even a set of powerpoint slides.
The site is divided into topics, which may be worked through in any order. You can see histological slides on the pages and can turn labels on or off to help them identify features. In some cases, there is a section like a 'virtual microscope' - you can scan around a large picture using the mouse and try to identify features. This emulates as closely as possible the experience of using a microscope. We've also recently introduced a new feature, where the students can also zoom in on a slide, having identified an area of interest. Finally, there are several quizzes to try when you feel you have worked through the topic.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Charity Tillemann-Dick: Re-learning how to breathe

After giving a wonderful performance in part 1, the soprano Charity Sunshine Tillemann-Dick tells us why breath is life, a fact we take for granted all too often. The soprano tells of re-learning to breathe, one gasp at a time. A recipient of two double lung transplants, she speaks and performs frequently at concerts, conferences and events around the United States.

Dot physio: the new domain name for physical therapists is launched

Dot physio image

A new domain name extension for the world’s physical therapists was launched on 1st September. The extension is .physio, and works in the same way as .com and .org extensions to website domain names.

Physical therapists have already been able to request their own preferred .physio domain names via the registry website http://www.dotphysio.com and from the beginning of this month domain names are available and the registry process can begin. Dot physio is one of a series of new website name types now being launched for professions around the world. Others include: .doctor .lawyer .engineer .architect and .dentist.

Read more at the WCPT website.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

The American Society for Nutrition (>4100 members) is the premier research society dedicated to improving the quality of life through the science of nutrition. The Society fulfills its mission by fostering and enhancing research in animal and human nutrition; providing opportunities for sharing, disseminating, and archiving peer-reviewed nutrition research results (at its annual meeting and in its publications, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and The Journal of Nutrition); fostering quality education and training in nutrition; upholding standards for ethical behavior in research, the protection of human subjects, and the care and treatment of research animals; providing opportunities for fellowship and support among nutritionists; and bringing scientific knowledge to bear on nutrition issues through communication and influence in the public domain.

Drink less for strong bones

How Does Alcohol Harm Your Bones?

When you imbibe too much -- 30 to 60 ml of alcohol every day -- the stomach does not absorb calcium adequately. Alcohol interferes with the pancreas and its absorption of calcium and vitamin D. Alcohol also affects the liver, which is important for activating vitamin D -- which is also important for calcium absorption.

The hormones important to bone health also go awry. Some studies suggest that alcohol decreases estrogen and can lead to irregular periods. As estrogen declines, bone remodeling slows and leads to bone loss. If you're in the menopausal years, this adds to the bone loss that's naturally occurring, says Kaur.

There's an increase in two potentially bone-damaging hormones, cortisol and parathyroid hormone. High levels of cortisol seen in people with alcoholism can decrease bone formation and increase bone breakdown. Chronic alcohol consumption also increases parathyroid hormone, which leaches calcium from the bone, she says.

Also, excess alcohol kills osteoblasts, the bone-making cells. To compound the problem, nutritional deficiencies from heavy drinking can lead to peripheral neuropathy -- nerve damage to hands and feet. And chronic alcohol abuse can affect balance, which can lead to falls.

Monday, 1 September 2014

PAR-Q - The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire

The physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q) is a self-screening tool that can be used by anyone who is planning to start an exercise program. It is often used by fitness trainers or coaches to determine the safety or possible risk of exercising for an individual based upon their answers to specific health history questions.

The PAR-Q was created by the British Columbia Ministry of Health and the Multidisciplinary Board on Exercise. This form was adopted directly from the ACSM Standards and Guidelines for Health and Fitness Facilities.

The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire
Being physically active is very safe for most people. Some people, however, should check with their doctors before they increase their current level of activity. The PAR-Q has been designed to identify the small number of adults for whom physical activity may be inappropriate or those who should have medical advice concerning the type of activity most suitable for them.

If you answered yes to one or more questions, are older than age 40 and have been inactive or are concerned about your health, consult a physician before taking a fitness test or substantially increasing your physical activity. You should ask for a medical clearance along with information about specific exercise limitations you may have.

In most cases, you will still be able to do any type of activity you want as long as you adhere to some guidelines.

Hormone Blues

A quick reference for recalling the hormones that should be memorized for the MCAT.. But in song form!

If we get views, we may make songs for a few more MCAT topics.

Thanks to Nathan Domek for both helping to record the song and filming/editing the actual video, and Morgan Komure for performing the song with me. 

Special thanks to The Snake, who portrayed a very convincing snake.